Tuesday 10 September 2013

Life at Indian Air force


         The Indian Air Force has a long standing tradition of fostering the spirit of adventure. Be it the lofty heights of Himalayas or the mysterious depths of the ocean, vast expanse of the sky or closed confines of caves, Indian Air Force Personnel have been the pioneers of adventure activities in all these spheres. Adventure primarily constitutes an essential component of military training. It helps in developing a sense of purpose, determination, courage and perseverance against all odds. Adventure activities develop faith in ones abilities and leadership qualities, which are essential for day to day functioning during peace and for victory in war.
The IAF, plays a stellar role in promoting adventure activities among the air warriors. It deals with a broad spectrum of Terrestrial, Aqua and aero sports. In every individual there is, indeed, an inherent need for excitement of all groups of adventure. When one looks back, it is this fervent need that has lead us to venture out and cross new frontiers, leaving indelible imprints in the history of civilisation. Living on the edge, albeit for a short span of time, enables one to discover one’s own latent potential and this platform is what, the IAF provides.
As one journeys on, the realms of adventure provide rich treasure trove of memories to share with and learn from, to reminisce and dream on. The IAF aims to encapsulate all these unique experiences, and more importantly, be an instrument that would help in nurturing and channelizing the talent and indomitable spirit of youth. In pursuit of promoting adventure, IAF formed a registered society in 1952, to undertake these activities in an organised manner.
As an Officer in the Air Force, you could activate your adventurous self and enjoy undertaking any of the activities organised by the IAF. These activities include.
  • Aero Sports
o        Skydiving
o         Parasailing
o         Paragliding
o         Power hand gliding
o         Para Motor Flying
o         Microlight flying
o         Hot Air ballooning
o         Aero Modelling
  • Land Sports
o         Mountaineering
o         Trekking
o         Skiing
o         Car Rally
o         Motorcycle expeditions
o         Cycling Expeditions
o         Mountain Terrain Biking
  • Water Sports
o         Rafting
o         Sailing
o         Wind Surfing
o         Water Skiing
o         Scuba Diving

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