Tuesday 17 September 2013

Why you should join Indian Navy?

A far cry from duty ashore. For one thing, while at sea, you will be putting all your skills and determination to the actual test. You will be given all the responsibility and will be doing an important job for which you have been uniquely trained.
Of course, sea duty does not mean you will spend all your time at sea. Your ship will have its own ‘home-port’ and you will spend quite a bit of your time in or close to that port. At sea, you will be excited to visiting far flung places in India and abroad which you had only read or heard about.

“Life at sea is full of challenges and immense satisfaction”. While you are at sea, the Navy looks after the welfare of your family like its own.”
Whether on a ship or submarine, Sailors are provided with sufficient living spaces. Each Sailor is assigned a “berthing area,” which includes a locker for storage, as well as a “rack” for sleep. The cooks in the kitchen (galleys) constantly prepare food for hundreds of men. There are dining halls for the men to dine. Mess decks are not just areas to sleep, but are also for recreation – Sailors and Officers can kick back and watch television or play games.

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